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I love to stay in touch, with members of my community. Don’t hesitate to contact Me & to inquire about any issues you might have or to just say ‘Hello’!

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My present residential address is Palace Line, Bolangir-767001.

Palace Line Bolangir-767001

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Income Tax

Here is a collection of few important Income tax  and its solutions especially for Govt. Employees.

All Deductions

Duis egestas aliquet aliquet. Maecenas erat eros, fringilla et leo eget, viverra pretium nulla.

Other Income

Other income is income that does not come from a company’s main business. Such as, interest, rent, and gains resulting from the sale of fixed assets.


software, is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work.


A Collection of Guidelines related to FSCW Dept. of Odisha Govt.  in a single document Page..

Useful sites

Useful websites and its urls are placed in categorically for easy navigation and browse to the sites.


Easy navigation and finding to the windows quotes and images. It provides a direct link to different websites for quick navigation to find important events.

Android Apps

Easy navigation and finding to the Android APPs. It provides a direct link to google play-store for quick installation.

Find Me

Sabira, Soro, Balasore


(+91) 8280 111 888
(+91) 8280 111 999